Matt’s Favorite Guitar Players



Check out this guy Monte Montgomery

I saw Monte at a Namm show back in 1999. I was really at the club to see Victor Wooten and  Steve Baily doing there mind

blowing Bass’s Loaded Concert and Monte was the Opening act. I have been a fan ever since.

Once Again, Years ago I saw this guitar player at Murial Anderson All Star Guitar event and she introduce him for the first time and I think he got three standing

ovations now remember the audience is all Musicians. It takes a lot for us to get impressed.

Brad Paisley and Tommy Emmanuel


Big Steve Morse fan, Which lives up the road in Ocala Florida. His player Dave Larue taught at my Music store when he was in-between  tours.

Seen Adrian Legg many times

Reggie and his brother Victor Wooten, Met and Seen them many many times, amazing.

Well to many guitar players to mention I could blog a Classical, Country,Rock, Blues and ect.

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